Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Being an early riser in college has it's advantages. There are only 3 other people awake and moving in the dorms (resident halls) at 6am. This means you don't have to worry about not getting a show or even combing your hair for at least another hour.

Another perk is that it is quite and you can get homework done. In the evenings it is loud from 3pm on. While quite hours should start at 10pm, this doesn't normally happen. Being the one who has to enforce this I am well aware of the fact that the young adults around here are not ready to be quite at 10pm.

This leads to problem of getting to sleep at night so you can wake up to a early peace and quite. Problem solution - iPod and headphones, fans also work along with ear plugs. I do own a giant box of ear plugs, which are over half gone from this school year.

Remember - early to bed and early to rise makes a man heath and wise.


  1. Hahaha, takes me back to livin in the dorms! I always had a fan running b/c the girls were always so loud!

  2. Early to rise and early to bed
    Makes a man
    Healthy, wealthy and dead.
